With Grainne Clear from Little Island publishers and experienced writers, Patricia Forde and Sarah Webb
Supported by Words Ireland
Saturday 15 October 2016
Venue: Belltable Arts Centre, Limerick
6.00pm to 7.00pm
Cost: €8 | €5
Age: Adult (and age 16+)
Tickets: Available Here
Writing for Children and Teens and Getting Published with Grainne Clear from Little Island publishers and writer, Sarah Webb
A practical, informative event for everyone who is interested in writing for children, from beginners to more experienced writers. What makes a book stand out to an agent or editor? What can emerging writers do to get their work noticed and promote their own book? What are agents and editors looking for? Grainne, Patricia and Sarah will talk you through the world of children’s books and answer all your questions.
Grainne Clear is Publishing Manager and Art Director at Little Island Books. She is also an accomplished storyteller and has appeared at many festivals including Listowel Writers’ Week and Mountains to Sea dlr Book Festival.
Patricia Forde lives in Galway. She has written many award-winning books and television programmes for children. Her first novel, The Wordsmith was published in May 2015 to wide critical acclaim, won a White Raven award from the International Youth Library and was shortlisted for the CBI Book of the Year Awards.
Sarah Webb is an award-winning writer for children and adults. Her latest book is Aurora and the Popcorn Dolphin. Sarah combines writing with programming children’s book events, teaching creative writing and reviewing children’s books for the Irish Independent. She is the Children’s Curator of the Mountains to Sea dlr Book Festival and Literary Advisor (Children’s) to Listowel Writers’ Week. She recently won the Children’s Books Ireland Award for Outstanding Contribution to Children’s Books in Ireland. This year she helped programme the literary strand at Bualadh Bos.