Words Ireland Wicklow Mentorship Scheme

Wicklow Mentorship SchemeWe are  delighted to announce that the Words Ireland Wicklow Mentorship Scheme in association with Irish Writers Centre, Poetry Ireland, Children’s Books Ireland and Wicklow County Council is underway. This scheme is providing support for writers in or from the Wicklow area who are actively seeking feedback on their manuscripts.

The poetry mentor is Grace Wells (a member of Poetry Ireland’s critical assessment panel) and those being mentored are Caroline Bracken and Emer Fallon, who were selected through a competitive application process earlier this year.

Also involved are Philip St. John with Evelyn Conlon (novel), Sinead O’Loughlin with Micheal J. Farrell (short story)  and Justin McCarthy with Michelle Read (playscript).

Congratulations to all the mentees, we hope it is a very fruitful and productive experience.

Grace Wells, poetry mentor

Grace Wells, poetry mentor


Caroline Bracken

Emer Fallon

Philip St. John

Sinead O’Loughlin

Justin McCarthy



Evelyn Conlon

Michael J Farrell

Michelle Read

Grace Wells

Poetry IrelandIrish Writers CentreChildren's Books Irelandwicklow