Wicklow Literature Mentorship Scheme 2016

Wicklow Literature Mentorship Scheme

Produced by Children’s Books Ireland, Irish Writers Centre and Poetry Ireland. Developed by WORDS Ireland for and in partnership with Wicklow County Council Arts Office.


WORDS Ireland is offering two further mentorship opportunities to Wicklow writers who are seeking to engage with a mentor over a period of six months from May 2016. This scheme is open to writers in any fiction genre: young adult and children’s books, short stories, playwriting, screenwriting, novels or poetry. The mentorships will focus on manuscript development in the main, but may include other aspects in the professional development of the writer. A similar scheme was run successfully in 2015. The deadline is now passed.


This year’s fiction mentee is Adrienne Michel-Long with Nicole Mary Kelby taking up the role of mentor.

Nicole Mary Kelby

Nicole Mary Kelby

Adrienne Michel-Long

Adrienne Michel-Long


This year’s poetry mentee is Eithne Hand with Grace Wells as mentor.

Poetry mentor Grace Wells

Grace Wells

Eithne Hand

Eithne Hand


Well done to all involved.


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