Stinging Fly Summer Fiction Workshops

Sean O'Reilly

—Organised by The Stinging Fly in association with the Irish Writers Centre

—Supported by Words Ireland

Our week-long fiction workshops with Sean O’Reilly return for a second year.

These are intensive daytime workshops designed for writers of short stories and/or the novel.

Up to ten writers will be offered a place on each workshop based on work they’ve submitted by the application deadline, which is Thursday, May 5th.

During the workshops, each writer’s work will be up for in-depth discussion twice. All the work will have been shared and closely read in advance. Also included are three sessions on aspects of narrative prose by guest speakers, including the editors of The Stinging Fly.

Week One: June 27th – July 1st 2016

Week Two: July 11th – July 15th 2016

Times: Monday to Friday, 10.15am-4.30pm

VenueIrish Writers Centre, 19 Parnell Square, Dublin 1

Cost: €325 (or €300 for IWC members)


How to apply:

Writers interested are asked to submit either a short story or a novel extract before 5pm on Thursday May 5th.

The short story should not exceed 6000 words and the novel extract should not exceed 15 pages.

Please use font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing. Please insert page numbers.

We will accept either Word.doc or Word.docx files.

Your name should not appear on the story or extract. Instead, send a separate cover page with your name, the title of your novel/story, your email address, your postal address and phone number.

Please also indicate on the cover page which of the two weeks you wish to apply for – or state if you have no preference.

Email the story or extract to with Summer Fiction Workshop along with your name in the subject heading.


What happens then:

We will read all the stories and extracts submitted and offer places on the workshops on or before Tuesday May 17th.

Writers will then have one week to confirm their place and to pay the workshop fee.

By Monday June 13th, each participating writer will be expected to have submitted two stories or novel extracts for circulation among the group. Participants must then undertake to have read all this work ahead of the workshops starting (Monday June 27th or Monday July 11th).

The workshop leader will devise the running order for the week of workshops based on the work submitted.
