Once Upon a Place Panel Event 


25 Feb 2016 – 6:00pm to 7:30pm
The Happy Pear
Church Road
Co. Wicklow

Words Ireland, in association with Children’s Books Ireland and Wicklow Arts Office, are delighted to present, on Thursday 25th February, Once Upon a Place Panel Event. Join authors Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick and Jane Mitchell and poet Seamus Cashman to talk about Once upon a Place, a collection of short stories and poems collated by current Laureate na nÓg, Eoin Colfer. Greystones foodie business The Happy Pear will host the special evening event showcasing poetry, fiction, illustration and writing for children and young people from 6 pm until 7.30 pm. This event is for anyone interested in children’s books. The ticket price includes a glass of wine.

Tickets are available here.

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