At Words Ireland we aim to provide an information resource to writers at all stages of their careers. We are currently developing a number of further guidance sheets for writers which we will add as soon as they are completed.
Book Publicity: a Guide for Writers
Self-Publishing: A Guide for Writers

Podcast: Applying for the Arts Council Literature Bursary
Artist’s Tax Exemption
Authors’ Contracts
Treatment of Writers at Festivals
Rates of Pay for Writers
Copyright Information
Journal submissions in Ireland
Residencies and Retreats
Awards, Bursaries and Grants
How to get Published
The Irish Times Writing Lives Series
balancing the books: how to survive as a writer in Ireland today
From festival appearances to school visits to being active on social media, writers today are almost expected to be public figures
How to Make it as Rural Writer
Is making a living just from writing books a literary fiction?
A helping hand across the border for writers
Writers need time: here’s how to beg, borrow or steal it
Most writers don’t actually have what you could call careers
You don’t need poverty to create, you need security